UK PP Travel Notices and LTA Approvals

Register as a New Student

Note: Only use this form if are a student going on LTA.

If not please register here  instead.

Please use a valid '', '' or '' email address.

Forename(s): R
Surname: R
Institute: R
Gender (at birth): R
Nationality: R
Date of Birth: R (dd/mm/yyyy)
Mobile Number: R
Email: R
Password: R
Repeat Password: R

R = Required field

*Your CERN ID is the number on your ID card not your CERN login name. At the top of the card there will be something like C-nnnnnn-1. We only want the number not the C- and -1 bits. Ignore the number at the bottom below the barcode. If you do not have a CERN ID leave it blank and once you have one please add it by going to 'My Details' → 'Edit Details'.


Show example CERN ID

By registering you agree that the information that you provide can be stored in a database. The information will only be used for the administration of UK particle physics travel and STFC LTA insurance and will not be disclosed to any third parties, except for the provision of insurance cover if required. This site uses session cookies to maintain login credentials and cookies and local storage to store options and navigation data. No user identifiable data is stored in cookies. For further information see the UKRI Privacy Notice.